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May 2014
Moving Applications to the Cloud on Windows Azure, 3 edition

Dominic Betts, Alex Homer, Alejandro Jezierski and Masashi Narumoto, "Moving Applications to the Cloud on Windows Azure, 3 edition"
206 pages | PDF, EPUB | 6 MB
How do you build and deploy applications to be scalable and have high availability? Along with developing the applications, you must also have an infrastructure that can support them. You may need to scale up or add servers, have redundant hardware, and add logic to the application to handle distributed computing and failovers-even if an application is in high demand for only short periods of time. The cloud offers a solution. It is made up of interconnected servers located in various data centers, but you see what appears to be a centralized location that someone else hosts and manages. By removing the responsibility for maintaining an infrastructure, you're free to concentrate on what matters most: the application.
This guide is the third edition of the first volume in a series about Windows Azure. It demonstrates how you can adapt an existing on-premises ASP.NET application to one that operates in the cloud by introducing a fictitious company named Adatum that modifies its expense tracking and reimbursement system, aExpense, so that it can be deployed to Windows Azure. To illustrate the wide range of options and features in Windows Azure, this guide and the code examples available for it show a step-by-step migration process that includes using Windows Azure Web Sites, Virtual Machines, Cloud Services, and SQL Database. Together with useful information on developing, deploying, managing, and costing cloud-hosted applications, this guide provides you with a comprehensive resource for moving your applications to Window Azure. This book is intended for any architect, developer, or information technology (IT) professional who designs, builds, or operates applications and services that are appropriate for the cloud. Although applications do not need to be based on the Microsoft Windows operating system to work in Windows Azure or written using a .NET language, this book is written for people who work with Windows-based systems. You should be familiar with the.NET Framework, Visual Studio, ASP.NET, and Visual C#.
Cognitive Screening Instruments: A Practical Approach

Cognitive Screening Instruments: A Practical Approach By A. J. Larner
253 Pages | PDF | 2 MB
Cognitive Screening Instruments: A Practical Approach provides a practical and structured overview of some of the most commonly used and easily available cognitive screening instruments applicable in the outpatient clinic and bedside setting. Dementia and cognitive disorders are now recognised as an increasing public health problem, both in terms of patient numbers and cost, as populations age throughout the world. Despite this, many patients with dementia never receive a formal diagnosis, with implications for their appropriate care and management. Diagnostic tests which identify cases of dementia therefore have an important role.
Expert authors from around the world equip the reader of Cognitive Screening Instruments: A Practical Approach with clear instructions on the usage of each screening instrument, its strengths and weaknesses, the time required for administration, and rules on scoring, such as how to correct for variations in the patient's age or education, and suggested cut-off scores.
Cognitive Screening Instruments: A Practical Approach is a handy, illustrated guide and a valuable diagnostic aid for practitioners working closely with patients with dementia and mild cognitive impairment. This volume will be of use both to clinicians and to professionals in disciplines allied to medicine who are called upon to assess patients with possible cognitive disorders, including neurologists, old age psychiatrists, neuropsychologists, primary care physicians, dementia support workers, and members of memory assessment teams.
Expert authors from around the world equip the reader of Cognitive Screening Instruments: A Practical Approach with clear instructions on the usage of each screening instrument, its strengths and weaknesses, the time required for administration, and rules on scoring, such as how to correct for variations in the patient's age or education, and suggested cut-off scores.
Cognitive Screening Instruments: A Practical Approach is a handy, illustrated guide and a valuable diagnostic aid for practitioners working closely with patients with dementia and mild cognitive impairment. This volume will be of use both to clinicians and to professionals in disciplines allied to medicine who are called upon to assess patients with possible cognitive disorders, including neurologists, old age psychiatrists, neuropsychologists, primary care physicians, dementia support workers, and members of memory assessment teams.
Technoscience and Environmental Justice - Expert Cultures in a Grassroots Movement

Technoscience and Environmental Justice - Expert Cultures in a Grassroots Movement
312 pages | PDF | 1,6 MB
Over the course of nearly thirty years, the environmental justice movement has changed the politics of environmental activism and influenced environmental policy. In the process, it has turned the attention of environmental activists and regulatory agencies to issues of pollution, toxics, and human health as they affect ordinary people, especially people of color.
Financial Accounting - An Introduction, 6th edition

Financial Accounting - An Introduction, 6th edition
528 Pages | PDF | 6 MB
528 Pages | PDF | 6 MB
The sixth edition retains all of the classic features that have contributed to the book’s success: clarity of expression, the focus on the accounting equation, student activities and real-life commentaries running through each chapter, and the inclusion of the Safe and Sure Annual Report as an example of a listed company.
Thriving in the New Economy: Lessons from Today's Top Business Minds

Lori Ann LaRocco, "Thriving in the New Economy: Lessons from Today's Top Business Minds"
EPUB | 304 pages | 1 Mb
Survive and thrive in today's economy
These are make-or-break times for business leaders. In today's defining moment, the "New Economy," CEOs and other leaders in a wide variety of industries must face unprecedented conditions.
Thriving in the New Economy gives you a unique look into some of today's best economic and business minds. A series of close profiles, the book offers inspirational personal stories, useful advice, and actionable strategies you can use immediately to skirt financial peril, seize opportunities, and flourish in the New Economy.
• Profiles include financial publisher Steve Forbes, The Vanguard Group founder Jack Bogle, Former National Economic Council Director and Former Special Assistant to the President on Economic Policy Lawrence Lindsey, former FDIC chair Donald Powell, Saks CEO Steve Sadove, Toyota Motor Sales U.S.A. President Jim Lentz, legendary vulture investor Wilbur Ross and more
• Looks at how leaders in economics, banking, automobiles, real estate, and retail are not just avoiding the unraveling economy, but actively evolving and growing their businesses
• Foreword by H. Wayne Huizenga; Afterword by Rudy Giuliani
If you're looking for the way forward through today's business wilderness, Thriving in the New Economy lets you in on how some leaders use challenges not just to survive but thrive.
These are make-or-break times for business leaders. In today's defining moment, the "New Economy," CEOs and other leaders in a wide variety of industries must face unprecedented conditions.
Thriving in the New Economy gives you a unique look into some of today's best economic and business minds. A series of close profiles, the book offers inspirational personal stories, useful advice, and actionable strategies you can use immediately to skirt financial peril, seize opportunities, and flourish in the New Economy.
• Profiles include financial publisher Steve Forbes, The Vanguard Group founder Jack Bogle, Former National Economic Council Director and Former Special Assistant to the President on Economic Policy Lawrence Lindsey, former FDIC chair Donald Powell, Saks CEO Steve Sadove, Toyota Motor Sales U.S.A. President Jim Lentz, legendary vulture investor Wilbur Ross and more
• Looks at how leaders in economics, banking, automobiles, real estate, and retail are not just avoiding the unraveling economy, but actively evolving and growing their businesses
• Foreword by H. Wayne Huizenga; Afterword by Rudy Giuliani
If you're looking for the way forward through today's business wilderness, Thriving in the New Economy lets you in on how some leaders use challenges not just to survive but thrive.
Linear Algebra and Linear Models (3rd edition)

Ravindra B. Bapat, "Linear Algebra and Linear Models (3rd edition)"
176 pages | PDF | 1 MB
Linear Algebra and Linear Models comprises a concise and rigorous introduction to linear algebra required for statistics followed by the basic aspects of the theory of linear estimation and hypothesis testing. The emphasis is on the approach using generalized inverses. Topics such as the multivariate normal distribution and distribution of quadratic forms are included. For this third edition, the material has been reorganised to develop the linear algebra in the first six chapters, to serve as a first course on linear algebra that is especially suitable for students of statistics or for those looking for a matrix theoretic approach to the subject. Other key features include: coverage of topics such as rank additivity, inequalities for eigenvalues and singular values; a new chapter on linear mixed models; over seventy additional problems on rank: the matrix rank is an important and rich topic with connections to many aspects of linear algebra such as generalized inverses, idempotent matrices and partitioned matrices. This text is aimed primarily at advanced undergraduate and first-year graduate students taking courses in linear algebra, linear models, multivariate analysis and design of experiments. A wealth of exercises, complete with hints and solutions, help to consolidate understanding. Researchers in mathematics and statistics will also find the book a useful source of results and problems.
Foundations of Abstract Analysis, 2nd edition

Foundations of Abstract Analysis, 2nd edition By Jewgeni H. Dshalalow
754 Pages| PDF | 4 Mb
Foundations of Abstract Analysis is the first of a two book series offered as the second (expanded) edition to the previously published text Real Analysis. It is written for a graduate-level course on real analysis and presented in a self-contained way suitable both for classroom use and for self-study.
While this book carries the rigor of advanced modern analysis texts, it elaborates the material in much greater details and therefore fills a gap between introductory level texts (with topics developed in Euclidean spaces) and advanced level texts (exclusively dealing with abstract spaces) making it accessible for a much wider interested audience.
To relieve the reader of the potential overload of new words, definitions, and concepts, the book (in its unique feature) provides lists of new terms at the end of each section, in a chronological order. Difficult to understand abstract notions are preceded by informal discussions and blueprints followed by thorough details and supported by examples and figures. To further reinforce the text, hints and solutions to almost a half of more than 580 problems are provided at the end of the book, still leaving ample exercises for assignments. This volume covers topics in point-set topology and measure and integration.
Prerequisites include advanced calculus, linear algebra, complex variables, and calculus based probability.
While this book carries the rigor of advanced modern analysis texts, it elaborates the material in much greater details and therefore fills a gap between introductory level texts (with topics developed in Euclidean spaces) and advanced level texts (exclusively dealing with abstract spaces) making it accessible for a much wider interested audience.
To relieve the reader of the potential overload of new words, definitions, and concepts, the book (in its unique feature) provides lists of new terms at the end of each section, in a chronological order. Difficult to understand abstract notions are preceded by informal discussions and blueprints followed by thorough details and supported by examples and figures. To further reinforce the text, hints and solutions to almost a half of more than 580 problems are provided at the end of the book, still leaving ample exercises for assignments. This volume covers topics in point-set topology and measure and integration.
Prerequisites include advanced calculus, linear algebra, complex variables, and calculus based probability.
Un'idea di destino di Tiziano Terzani

Un'idea di destino di Tiziano Terzani
484 pages | EPUB | 4 MB
«Cosa fa della vita che abbiamo un'avventura felice?» si chiede Tiziano Terzani in questa eccezionale opera inedita, che racconta con la consueta potenza riflessiva l'esistenza di un uomo che non ha mai smesso di dialogare con il mondo e con la coscienza di ciascuno di noi. In un continuo e appassionato procedere dalla Storia alla storia personale, viene finalmente alla luce in questi diari il Terzani uomo, il padre, il marito: una persona curiosa e straordinariamente vitale, incline più alle domande che alle facili risposte.
Scopriamo così che l'espulsione dalla Cina per «crimini controrivoluzionari», l'esperienza deludente della società giapponese, il passaggio professionale dalla Repubblica al Corriere della Sera, i viaggi in Thailandia, URSS, Indocina, Asia centrale, India, Pakistan non furono soltanto all'origine delle grandi opere che tutti ricordiamo. Furono anche anni fatti di dubbi, di nostalgie, di una perseverante ricerca della gioia, anni in cui dovette talvolta domare «la belva oscura» della depressione. E proprio attraverso questo continuo interrogarsi («tutto è già stato detto, eppure tutto è da ridire»), Terzani maturava una nuova consapevolezza di sé, affidata a pagine più intime, meditazioni, lettere alla moglie e ai figli, appunti, tutti accuratamente raccolti e ordinati dall'autore stesso, fino al suo ultimo commovente scritto: il discorso letto in occasione del matrimonio della figlia Saskia, intriso di nostalgia per la bambina che non c'è più e di amore per la vita, quella vita che inesorabilmente cambia e ci trasforma.
Teaching Research Processes

William Badke, "Teaching Research Processes: The Faculty Role in the Development of Skilled Student Researchers"
240 pages | PDF | 1 MB
Information literacy may be defined as the ability to identify a research problem, decide the kinds of information needed to tackle it, find the information efficiently, evaluate the information, and apply it to the problem at hand. Teaching Research Processes suggests a novel way in which information literacy can come within the remit of teaching faculty, supported by librarians, and reconceived as ‘research processes'. The aim is to transform education from what some see as a primarily one-way knowledge communication practice, to an interactive practice involving the core research tasks of subject disciplines.
This title is structured into nine chapters, covering: Defining research processes; Research ability inadequacies in higher education; Research processes and faculty understanding; Current initiatives in research processes; The role of disciplinary thinking in research processes; Research processes in the classroom; Tentative case studies in disciplinary research process instruction; Research processes transforming education; and Resourcing the enterprise. The book concludes by encouraging the reader to implement the teaching of research processes.
Engages the domain of teaching faculty rather than librarians only
Analyzes the reasons why the research processes concept represents a gap in academia
Focuses on research ability as a process that can be taught within disciplines
Engages the domain of teaching faculty rather than librarians only
Analyzes the reasons why the research processes concept represents a gap in academia
Focuses on research ability as a process that can be taught within disciplines
Respiratory Medicine: Clinical Cases Uncovered

Emma Baker, Dilys Lai, "Respiratory Medicine: Clinical Cases Uncovered"
270 pages | PDF | 2 Mb
Rehearse for life in clinical practice with this easy-to-use and unique series, which combines cases drawn from real-life experiences with a refreshing approach to presentations as you would see them in day-to-day situations. Get the most from clinical practice, with Clinical Cases Uncovered This essential title in the Clinical Cases Uncovered series includes many important scenarios in respiratory medicine that feature in real-life clinical practice. Everything is covered, from respiratory arrest and asthma to environmental effects and abnormal chest X-rays. Anatomy, physiology and the relevant pathological background feature in the basic science section, with important advice on the approach to the patient. The self-assessment section at the end is crucial to testing your understanding, giving you the best possible preparation.
Essentials of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing

Mary C. Townsend, "Essentials of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing: Concepts of Care in Evidence-based Practice, 6th edition"
850 pages | PDF | 28 Mb
New DSM-5 Content! Whether it's an entire course on psychiatric nursing or integrating these principles into an existing course, this is the text that's concise, engaging, and informative. It offers an evidence-based, holistic approach to mental health nursing - in a streamlined format that explores nursing diagnoses for both physiological and psychological disorders. It's the psychiatric nursing text that students actually read, understand, and use. Completely revised, the 6th Edition reflects all of the new knowledge in the field and the practice of mental health nursing today, including DSM-5, NANDA-I 2012-2014, and QSEN. It features: taxonomy and diagnostic criteria from the DSM-5 as well as internet references for each DSM-5 diagnosis; Quality Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) activities with guidelines for attaining the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to fulfill the initiative's core competencies; the unique continuity and clarity of the voice of a single author; and, emphasis on holistic nursing to emphasize the physical, spiritual, and cultural aspects of psychiatric/mental health nursing. EXPANDED! Six new interactive scenarios online at DavisPlus...Schizophrenia, Anorexia, Bulimia, PTSD, OCD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder. New: chapter on Military Families; six "Communication Exercises" boxes with clinical scenarios to practice communication skills with clients; a list of movies at the end of most diagnostic chapters, reinforcing what is discussed in the textbook and demonstrating conditions and behaviors students may not encounter in clinical; and, chapter on "The Recovery Model" in the Interventions unit and additional content on the Recovery Model in chapters on Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder. UPDATED! All nursing diagnoses current with the NANDA-I 2012 -2014 Nursing Diagnoses Definitions and Classifications.
Brave New World Economy: Global Finance Threatens Our Future

Brave New World Economy: Global Finance Threatens Our Future by Wilhelm Hankel and Robert Isaak
270 pages | PDF | 1,4 MB
The global finance system can be regulated to prevent massive credit fraud, tame capitalism, confront the sovereign debt crisis, and move towards investing in the real economy and full employment.
"Obamanomics", and American reinvention can lead to a sustained economic recovery but only together with major domestic, European, and global monetary reforms in cooperation with emerging nations.
For decades, the U.S. dollar has served as the world's reserve currency. But after the global market meltdown and the resulting massive stimulus spending meant to keep the Great Recession from becoming an even Greater Depression, confidence in America's ability to make good on its growing debt is at all-time lows.
For decades, the U.S. dollar has served as the world's reserve currency. But after the global market meltdown and the resulting massive stimulus spending meant to keep the Great Recession from becoming an even Greater Depression, confidence in America's ability to make good on its growing debt is at all-time lows.
The Tolerance Trap

Suzanna Danuta Walters, "The Tolerance Trap: How God, Genes, and Good Intentions Are Sabotaging Gay Equality"
PDF | 336 pages | 3 Mb
From Glee to gay marriage, from lesbian senators to out gay Marines, we have undoubtedly experienced a seismic shift in attitudes about gays in American politics and culture. Our reigning national story is that a new era of rainbow acceptance is at hand. But dig a bit deeper, and this seemingly brave new gay world is disappointing. For all of the undeniable changes, the plea for tolerance has sabotaged the full integration of gays into American life. Same-sex marriage is unrecognized and unpopular in the vast majority of states, hate crimes proliferate, and even in the much vaunted "gay friendly" world of Hollywood and celebrity culture, precious few stars are openly gay.
In The Tolerance Trap, Suzanna Walters takes on received wisdom about gay identities and gay rights, arguing that we are not "almost there," but on the contrary have settled for a watered-down goal of tolerance and acceptance rather than a robust claim to full civil rights. After all, we tolerate unpleasant realities: medicine with strong side effects, a long commute, an annoying relative. Drawing on a vast array of sources and sharing her own personal journey, Walters shows how the low bar of tolerance demeans rather than ennobles both gays and straights alike. Her fascinating examination covers the gains in political inclusion and the persistence of anti-gay laws, the easy-out sexual freedom of queer youth and the suicides and murders of those in decidedly intolerant environments. She challenges both "born that way" storylines that root civil rights in biology, and "god made me that way" arguments that similarly situate sexuality as innate and impervious to decisions we make to shape it.
A sharp and provocative cultural critique, this book deftly argues that a too-soon declaration of victory short-circuits full equality and deprives us all of the transformative possibilities of full integration.Tolerance is not the end goal, but a dead end. In The Tolerance Trap, Walters presents a complicated snapshot of a world-shifting moment in American history-one that is both a wake-up call and a call to arms for anyone seeking true equality.
Psychiatry: Clinical Cases Uncovered

Peter Byrne, Nicola Byrne, "Psychiatry: Clinical Cases Uncovered"
240 pages | PDF | 1,2 Mb
Rehearse for life in clinical practice with this easy-to-use and unique series, which combines cases drawn from real-life experiences with a refreshing approach to presentations as you would see them in day-to-day situations. Get the most from clinical practice, with Clinical Cases Uncovered Psychiatry is one of the most interesting and challenging areas of study in medicine and Clinical Cases Uncovered is your guide through. With presentations ranging from psychosis to memory loss and from insomnia to self-harm, you tackle each problem as it arises in everyday settings. Tips and key features are highlighted throughout so you can refer back to each case for exam revision and well into your career.